Transportation Infrastructure? You Decide.

Upon taking office, the Biden Administration committed to 'building back better,' a promise to invest in the nation's deteriorating transportation system.

Unsurprisingly, less than 24 hours after President Biden assumed office, USDOT updated that commitment, placing an emphasis on, “economic recovery, racial equity, and combating climate change,” rather than reducing congestion and maintaining our roads and bridges.

In November 2021, President Biden heralded his “Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework” or the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) as a “once-in-a-generation investment,” in transportation infrastructure, compared by some to the Eisenhower Interstate System.

Unfortunately, IIJA is nothing like Ike's vision. Biden's transportation department has focused on opportunities that impede states' rights, advance a social agenda, and politicize the nation's transportation infrastructure where they’ve prioritized policies that sound nice theoretically, but in practice, actually stifle economic prosperity while doing little to nothing for our environment.

Rather than allowing states to maximize federal transportation dollars on state-based priorities, the Biden Administration has weaponized the bureaucracy to federalize billions in funding decisions under the veil of euphemisms like justice and equity.

Why? To advance global agendas like Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), neither of which reduce congestion or the movement of our supply chain.

For states that chose to not adopt the groupthink culture that is the Biden Agenda, retaliatory threats continue, from withholding essential funding to imposing fuel preferences, COVID mandates, labor union preferences, and even attempting to disrupt supply chains. No state should face political discrimination, and Florida's governance model demonstrates that no state needs to.

This website illustrates how Florida continues pushing back and remains dedicated to prioritizing infrastructure, rather than getting involved in partisan politics. Our approach emphasizes the belief that investing in tangible projects leads to greater benefits than any short-lived political agendas.